International Business
Nogales boasts a 200 year history of entrepreneurship, mercantilism and international trade.
Nogales Means Business on a Global Scale
Due to its proximity to the international border, Santa Cruz County (especially Nogales), thrives on tourism, international trade, manufacturing, and services. An Enterprise Zone community, Nogales boasts a 200 year history of entrepreneurship, mercantilism and international trade.
Today, international commerce is of vital importance to the Nogales economy. Mexican shoppers crossing the border on a daily basis generate over 60% of Nogales’ sales tax. Nogales, Arizona and its sister city, Nogales, Sonora, are home to one of the largest cooperative manufacturing (maquiladora) clusters and the largest port of entry for Mexican produce—over four billion pounds of fruits and vegetables enter through the Mariposa Port on an annual basis.
To learn more about available business services, visit the Nogales Community Development website.
Nogales International Airport Accommodates 2,000 monthly flights
Interstate 19 in Nogales connects to Mexican Federal Highway 15 and US interstate 10
To learn more about “A Greater Nogales,” please contact Nils Urman at Nogales Community Development:
520-313-3434 (cell) / 520-397-9219 (office) / nils.urman@gmail.com